With so much technology available to students, tutors are in a constant search for resources that help us capture their attention and satisfy their interest in learning, and one of them may be the use of augmented reality in e-Learning.
The use of augmented reality in your e-Learning courses can be that factor that adds entertainment and fun by mixing technology with realistic environments.

Human beings get excited about novelty. Using augmented reality (AR) in e-Learning you can arouse creativity and curiosity in your students, turning the teaching-learning process into something active that goes beyond the transmission of knowledge.
Meaning of E-Learning
The e-learning is the abbreviated term English electronic learning, which refers to the teaching and learning online, through Internet and technology.
Also known as virtual education, online training, teleportation or distance learning, terms that are not synonyms and deserve a detailed explanation, in another article.
Nowadays, the Internet is the access channel to any type of formation of any organization of the world at the moment that we want.
Therefore, the two main benefits of e-learning are: the elimination of physical and temporal barriers of space and time, and the opportunity to access lifelong learning, lifelong learning throughout our lives, adapted to our personal needs.
Thus, e-learning must be understood as a training modality that aims to provide flexibility and customization in the learning processes.
What is an augmented reality?
RA is the integration of virtual information in the student’s environment in real-time. The RA uses the existing environment and enriches it with new information “increasing it”.
Augmented reality (AR) is different from virtual reality (VR) in which the student is virtually transferred to another space.
An example of augmented reality in the popular Pokémon Go game where the player must catch Pokémon’s that appear in their real environment. In the professional aspect, this game means that students can interact with simulations of clients and objects in a work environment.
The use of AR in education creates a memorable experience in the user and an emotional connection with the environment that allows linking prior knowledge with experience.
Advantages of using Augmented Reality in e-Learning
The benefits of augmented reality are many, from interest to those students who have difficulty with learning to the possibility of teaching regardless of language.
The AR helps to transform the textual and static information into an interesting digital format, which facilitates the explanation and assimilation of information and also saves the time of content transmission.
Learning through the AR is more natural, the information transmitted is more condensed and therefore easier to assimilate, in other words, by the way, it presents the contents, the RA transforms the learning environment into an exciting place, this causes students interest and motivation to learn.
If you use augmented reality in your classes your students will be eager to know what awaits them in the next class.
AR technology is compatible with interactive objects such as images and sounds that you can add as resources for your lessons, making learning even more entertaining and valuable.
Interactivity plays an important role in careers with skills training that can be dangerous to exercise in a real environment.
For example, machinery operators can become familiar with the instruments and learn how to use them in a safe environment for them.
Being actively involved in the lesson generates motivation and feelings of satisfaction that increase learning and retention of knowledge. AR books can also add interactivity and enrich texts of complex topics, to facilitate student understanding and learning.
The use of AR simplifies the explanation of the contents. An abstract content can be materialized with the help of AR applications.
“A picture tells more than a thousand phrases,” and if you can communicate and control the picture from distinct perspectives, you will have a unique visual time-saving journey that would otherwise have been wasted verbally describing.
Also, the student will spend less time learning content, since if interested he will more easily retain the information.
Benefits of Virtual Reality in an E-Learning Platform
As we mentioned, there are careers where the use of virtual reality has already been applied. Analyzing the results they have delivered, we can conclude the following benefits:
Controlled environments
A dangerous situation is simulated, but the risk factor is eliminated. Many students need to train to improve their skills and a simulated reality is the most attractive option to achieve it.
It simulates reality very well
Depending on the technology, any type of situation can be simulated quite realistically.
Adaptable environment
You can adapt to each environment according to the user’s abilities.
Being a virtual reality environment, there must be interactivity with the objects that are observed in it.
Knowing the characteristics of an E-Learning platform for Institutes
The E-Learning platform is understood as that virtual space created exclusively for education. The characteristics that a virtual classroom are the following:
Access at any time of the day: As we mentioned at the beginning, people generally work and do not have time to study. Such a platform gives them the possibility to continue learning at their own pace.
Distance education: It is not necessary to be present in the class since everything can be done through the internet.
Teaching focused on students: All the tools created are made with the good of the student in mind. Both those used by the user and the teacher are designed to positively influence the online education that each participant is receiving.
Content update: As it is an online course, it is easy and fast to update the material that is being shared and will be available to all enrollees.
A space for communication: This is the point that many believe is lost, but a virtual classroom also provides a special space for teachers and students to stay communicated and can resolve any doubts they may have.
To summarize and conclude, the benefits of using virtual reality technology in online courses are:
- Virtual reality can be used to generate interactive experiences with the object of study, so potentially the student remembers more what he does than what he reads. The student does not have to imagine the object, but through the VR can interact.
- The activities through virtual reality in learning can be more striking and interesting than reading a PDF document, by the visual and auditory part of the system, so it can motivate the student to perform interactivity and generate learning.
- The interactivity of virtual reality causes the user to fully engage in the object of virtual study, to interact with it so that it can compromise more the student’s participation and interest in the subject.
- Through virtual reality, subjects can be taught that involve the manipulation of delicate or dangerous objects, without risk for students, or virtual tutors, since everything is a computer simulation that allows a lot of freedom of work, mistakes, and learning.
Also Read: Augmented Reality Development Companies
Some tips for the application of AR
- Do not forget that technology is an assistant in your classes. Always keep in mind that the main thing is that you do not lose sight of your learning objectives.
- Augmented reality adapts very well to courses with high visual content such as design, architecture, and engineering, among others. However, with creativity, any text can be improved with AR.
- Students will be more willing to use technology when it fits naturally with the content.
- Check the resources you already have, look for an application that is easy to use and test it beforehand. Try to get feedback from your students to find out their experience and willingness to use AR.
- Do not forget that technology should facilitate the learning experience and help students achieve success in their courses.
- In your e-Learning courses, you can include links to augmented reality resources that support the content of your course.
Advantages of Implementing an E-Learning Project
Why should we bet on implementing in our organization an e-learning project in our training? What are its advantages? Here is a selection of the pros offered by e-learning regarding face-to-face or “traditional” training:
- The space-time barriers disappear
- Flexibility in the study according to the circumstances of the student
- Real knowledge management
- Changing the role of the student and the teacher, towards a more personalized interaction
- Speed
- Cost savings
- Instant content update
- Constant communication
- Learning Autonomy
Many are reluctant to use this type of “electronic” learning because they prefer physical contact with other people. However, no one can deny that eLearning has evolved so much that on many occasions it brings many more advantages to study from this modality compared to the face-to-face modality.
Already billions of people are trained daily though large platforms such as YouTube, Coursera or even Facebook. Learning is everywhere, and eLearning will adapt to future times and generations to learn without space-time, economic, and many other barriers that we will describe throughout the life of this Blog.
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