iOS vs Android

Which is The Best Platform For The First Business App? Android vs iOS- The eternal battle of the two mobile operating systems leaves, in its wake, a fundamental question for companies. Which of the two to opt for? The selection of the platform is important since it affects the budget that must be allocated to […]
How IoT is Reinventing Businesses Today?

The variety of items, products, and services that the Internet of Things (IoT) will encompass is still unimaginable. From a special sensor that manages the irrigation of a crop to a smart backpack that serves to charge different devices. Also going through multifunction robots and houses managed using a smartphone. Virtually any object can be […]
What Is The Role Of Android In IoT?

When we talk about “things”, we mean anything. For real! We are already used to using the internet with smartphones, computers, Smart TVs, and video games. But in this context, the idea is not to connect these gadgets to the internet but make them smart. In addition to contributing to optimize natural resources, for health […]
Challenges of UX Design for IoT and Tips to Beat Them

What is IoT? The internet of things consists of connecting things (which can be from a chair like the one you are sitting on, wearables in medical applications to hectares and hectares of an agricultural farm). There are some UX Design challenges for IoT, How do you connect them? Through sensors that capture data related […]
What is Extended Reality and How Does it Help?

Extended-Reality (XR) is one of the latest concepts added to the dictionary of technical terms. Although its use has not yet become widespread on the street, it has long been a popular term among professionals and specialized media. Therefore, today few people really know in-depth the meaning of the XR: what is it? What’s new? […]
What is Enhanced Edge Computing?

Until 2020, the “Internet of Things (IoT)”, which goes from the car to the production plants, is expected to cover some 50 billion devices. All of these devices continuously generate a large amount of data that must be stored and analyzed in real time for critical applications. However, this task exceeds the conventional capabilities of […]
How IoT Became More Popular During Covid-19?

The coronavirus COVID-19 continues to affect the world population, multiplying the number of infections and deaths daily. In addition to this, countries increasingly adopt more measures to mitigate contagions. From the suspension of classes, remote work, closure of public spaces, to confinement, among others. Faced with this complicated scenario, solving the crisis and minimizing the […]