Internet of Things (IoT) is the next big thing and is already reshaping and helping individuals and companies to manage their workload and get better insights into their day to day processes. If you are here to get know-how regarding the best developers of IoT in town, check out Zazz, the top IoT development company in Chicago. Zazz will surely help you make an informed decision.

Internet of Things (Internet of Things IoT) is the Internet interconnection of everyday objects (things). The term IoT was proposed in 1999 by Kevin Ashton when presenting his investigations of identification with radiofrequency in-network (RFID) and sensors. Working for Procter & Gamble – Cosmetics implemented chips in products to track stocks and resolve supply between stores and warehouses.
Industry and IoT
In industry, IoT arises to meet the needs of tracking products through the supply chain; truck and ship tracking; to know the behaviour of the machines, for preventive and monitoring purposes; to monitor temperatures; usage behaviour (on / off); equipment failures; lighting controls and sensors, administration and monitoring of energy use, etc.
IoT has impacted in all fields of daily life, in medicine, devices connected to the taking of vital signs for athletes and people in general; chips embedded in pet clothing for tracking and identification; Satellite GPS for tracking cars and cargo trucks; border crossing control; control of perishable products such as fruits and vegetables to know date and origin of harvest or manufacture; batch tracking of medicines; seismic activity monitoring; etc.
What exactly is IoT?
The Internet is made up of a set of interconnected communication networks, which use the communications protocol (set of common rules established under a standard) TCP / IP to transmit information between them. A communications protocol provides connectivity between two points, specifying the rules of data formatting, addressing, transmission, routing and reception at the destination.
The origin of the Internet was in the 1969 ARPANET project, which initially interconnected three universities in California, for research purposes. According to the figures of the International Telecommunications Union, in April 2019 approximately 3.2 billion Internet users are estimated, almost half of the world’s population.
Known as the network of networks, the Internet is made up of public, private, academic, government networks that use a medium (cable, fiber optic, radio frequency signal, etc.) and a common protocol (TCP / IP) to interconnect.
Essential components of IoT
- Integrated sensors to “things”.
- Networks for Internet access.
- Centralized systems that receive the generated data.
Thus, we can affirm that the Internet of Things is a set of objects interconnected through the Internet, the objects contain components (sensors) that sense activities, behaviors and the data obtained are concentrated in systems on the network, systems that have the capacity to analyze the data collected and determine possible actions to be carried out, depending on the compliance with certain pre-established rules.
Things can be controlled in a safe way by a human being through Internet access. In this way, objects become intelligent.
IoT requirements
To achieve the implementation of IoT worldwide, network adjustments are required, so the following requirements were established:
- Dynamic resource demand.
- Real-time needs.
- The exponential growth of demand.
- Availability of applications.
- Data protection.
- User privacy.
- Efficient energy consumption by applications.
- Application execution near end users.
- Access to an open and interoperable cloud system.
Takeaways About IoT Companies in Chicago
The primary idea of the Internet of Things is to connect everything to the Internet. IoT technology allows all digital devices that you have access to to connect and communicate at any time. Wherever you are, you can control it, which ultimately makes your life easier and improves your quality of life.
The top iOT development companies have experience creating digital devices and IoT systems that can help your company streamline processes for increased efficiency and productivity. However, they offer efficient services, from development and consulting to integration and security to develop IoT products tailored to your business goals and requirements.
Before you choose the best iOT companies Chicago, make sure you fully understand your goals and how the Internet of Things products can help your business.
IoT technologies
RFID: Radio Frequency Identification. It transmits the identity of an object or person wirelessly using radio waves, in the form of a serial number.
IP: Internet protocol. It is the main Internet protocol. There are two current versions of IP: IPv4 and IPv6. IPv4 provides 4.3 billion addresses while IPv6 allows up to 85,000 trillion addresses. IPv6 supports around 2128 addresses.
EPC: Electronic Product Code. It is an improvement to RFID, with a 64 or 98-bit code.
Bar code: Combination of bars and spaces of variable width, allows coding numbers and letters. Quick Read QR codes (Quick Read), with larger storage capacity, compared to the standard.
Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity Communications network technology allows computers and other devices to communicate over a wireless signal. The integration of this technology in a large number of consumer electronic equipment. Wi-Fi sports any of the IEEE 802.11 standards.
Bluetooth. Cheap short-range technology that eliminates the need for cables between devices, with a range of 10 to 100 meters.
ZigBee. A protocol developed to improve the characteristics of wireless sensor networks.
NFC. Near Field Communication. Low-range technology at 13.56 MHz. Which requires a distance of 4 cm. Complementary to Bluetooth and 802.11.
WSN: Wireless Sensor Networks – Wireless sensor networks to take information from things.
IA. Artificial intelligence integrated into the devices, which recognize special situations and anticipate the needs of the user.
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