Few companies and individuals are aware of the benefits of having IoT technology implemented to compete well in the market. Although it’s the new technology, IoT is quickly reshaping the management process of enterprises. If you are looking for an agency to provide you with top-notch services, have a look at Zazz top IoT development companies in Texas.
How does the Internet of things impact on security or privacy issues in our lives?
Well, here, as we always find the eternal dichotomy, if we interpret the advantages in terms of physical or property security, we undoubtedly go towards a safer environment, if instead we realize that all this information exchange ends up being very particular, and personal, of each one of us, and that speaks of trends, tastes, desires, passions … medical data, hobbies, sensations, current variables, …, because then security becomes a “control in hands “(euphemistically THE CLOUD) that makes us increasingly vulnerable (euphemistically BIG DATA).
In this way, focusing on physical and property security in the life of any person, whether on their person, on their business, home, etc., will have an important role, whether it is to increase the security of homes, vehicles, and assets.
Returning to one of the previous examples, if every one of the objects had their particular Internet connection, we could know at any moment where that object is located and therefore reduce the possibility of losing it practically to zero.
On the other hand, security in buildings, homes and factories would be exponentially increased, since with a host of sensitized and monitored objects there will be no escape, intrusion warnings, water leaks, fires, databases with everything That has happened in a house are some of the many functions that we will be able to perform.
As for personal safety, it will also be increased with objects such as watches that could take the pulse and act accordingly, for example, in case of cardiac arrest, they call emergency emergencies directly, devices that alert us before suffering an asthma crisis, eg, all this and much more is what could be achieved with new technologies and all these new concepts, no matter what they call home automation, immortal, AmI, Ambiance Intelligence, Smart Objects, Smart Cities, Smart Grid, IoT…. or “a happy world.”
Like everything in this life, the technological avalanche is unstoppable, the benefits inexcusable…. and the rest of society will have to curb factors that have to do with privacy, rights and duties, and everything related to the recognition of personal dignity.
What communication protocols will IoT use?
Namely, this is always the dilemma, no matter if we talk about M2M, home automation … or industrial automation, endless initiatives are launched to try to combine a protocol that serves as a standard and somehow take into account the idiosyncrasy of the systems we want to put on the scene.
And although we have Zigbee (IEEE 802.15.4), Bluetooth LTE, 6LowPan, WiFi, GSM (with all their respective Gs), or other hopeful ones like SigFox … and of course a wonderful TCP / IP world that we know is capable of deploying global networks, but that is not intended to put its ancient architectures directly into sensors that should work, at least some, for decades, that is to say self-sufficient in the subject of charging (solar, wind..etc) or self-efficient in the consumption issue, well, this without mentioning one hundred and one thousand proprietary conjectures dealing with the prominence for the great business that is coming.
In Zazz we see that initiatives in work groups such as RPL Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks begin to think about architectures that make possible the millions of possible scenarios if we want an Internet of Everything that works, or how this group defines the OF (objective functions), because a MEMS should not be the same priority that tries to tell our doctor and health care service that we are having a heart attack, than a sensor that is worrying about monitor the efficiency of our air conditioning system, and neither the hierarchy and the roads that the signal should follow until you find a meeting point that controls your IPv6 addressing, as you see It is directly proportional to the goal of filling everything with intelligent communication possibilities, and there is much to define.
But in Zazz, we have long been committed to TCP / IP and Wireless with grid topology (key element … the MESH), and it costs little to extrapolate this to what will be a bigger house, everyone’s, the planet; -)
What are an M2M device and what parts?
As we have talked about M2M devices before, since they are a favorable technology when it comes to developing the Internet of things, we are going to make a brief description of what they consist of.
M2M (machine to machine) devices as their name indicates are devices capable of establishing communication with both the server and other M2M devices.
The parts of which it is composed are the following:
- Management devices: All those machines or devices whose work is going to be to manage data (alarms in homes, counters, information panels, points of sale, etc.) are part of this group
- M2M devices: those devices (modules) that remotely connected to any machine collect information and maintain communication with the server. Eventually, they will also have the ability to process information individually.
- Server: It will be the system that sends and receives this information from the machines and in turn makes efficient management of it.
- Communication network: it is the physical means through which the information can travel being of two kinds: wired and wireless, the latter being the usual method since in principle it is not logical to implement the Internet of things via cable to not If it is a very specific device.
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